Перевод: с английского на португальский

с португальского на английский

to make an impression

  • 1 to make an impression

    to make an impression
    impressionar (as pessoas).

    English-Portuguese dictionary > to make an impression

  • 2 impression

    1) (the idea or effect produced in someone's mind by a person, experience etc: The film made a great impression on me.) marca
    2) (a vague idea: I have the impression that he's not pleased.) impressão
    3) (the mark left by an object on another object: The dog left an impression of its paws in the wet cement.) marca
    4) (a single printing of a book etc.) impressão
    * * *
    [impr'eʃən] n 1 impressão, marca, estampa, sinal, cunho. 2 impresso, exemplar (de uma obra impressa), edição. 3 impressão (no espírito), abalo, efeito moral, sentimento. 4 idéia, noção, pensamento. 5 imitação engraçada de uma pessoa famosa. to be under the impression that, to have an impression that ter a impressão de que. to make an impression impressionar (as pessoas).

    English-Portuguese dictionary > impression

  • 3 leave/make one's mark

    (to make a permanent or strong impression: The horrors of the war have left their mark on the children.) marcar

    English-Portuguese dictionary > leave/make one's mark

  • 4 leave/make one's mark

    (to make a permanent or strong impression: The horrors of the war have left their mark on the children.) deixar marcas

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > leave/make one's mark

  • 5 sound

    I adjective
    1) (strong or in good condition: The foundations of the house are not very sound; He's 87, but he's still sound in mind and body.) forte
    2) ((of sleep) deep: She's a very sound sleeper.) profundo
    3) (full; thorough: a sound basic training.) sólido
    4) (accurate; free from mistakes: a sound piece of work.) sólido
    5) (having or showing good judgement or good sense: His advice is always very sound.) seguro
    - soundness
    - sound asleep
    II 1. noun
    1) (the impressions transmitted to the brain by the sense of hearing: a barrage of sound; ( also adjective) sound waves.) som
    2) (something that is, or can be, heard: The sounds were coming from the garage.) som
    3) (the impression created in the mind by a piece of news, a description etc: I didn't like the sound of her hairstyle at all!) ideia
    2. verb
    1) (to (cause something to) make a sound: Sound the bell!; The bell sounded.) tocar
    2) (to signal (something) by making a sound: Sound the alarm!) tocar
    3) ((of something heard or read) to make a particular impression; to seem; to appear: Your singing sounded very good; That sounds like a train.) parecer
    4) (to pronounce: In the word `pneumonia', the letter p is not sounded.) pronunciar(-se)
    5) (to examine by tapping and listening carefully: She sounded the patient's chest.) auscultar
    - soundlessly
    - sound effects
    - soundproof
    3. verb
    (to make (walls, a room etc) soundproof.) tornar à prova de som
    III verb
    (to measure the depth of (water etc).) sondar
    - sound out
    * * *
    [saund] n 1 som, o que se pode ouvir. 2 vibrações sonoras. 3 tom, ruído. 4 distância dentro da qual um ruído pode ser ouvido. 5 Phon som, combinação de vogais. 6 barulho. • vt+vi 1 soar, emitir um som ou ruído. 2 fazer soar, tocar. they sounded the alarm / deram sinal de alarme. 3 ser ouvido, retinir, ressoar. 4 auscultar. 5 dirigir pelo som. 6 anunciar. he sounds the retreat / ele dá sinal para a retirada. 7 parecer. that sounds fine / isto soa bem. you sound disappointed / você parece desapontado. to sound off expressar-se pública e ofensivamente. to stay within sound ficar dentro do alcance do ouvido.
    [saund] n 1 estreito, canal, braço de mar. 2 Ichth bexiga natatória.
    [saund] n Med sonda. • vt+vi 1 sondar, medir a profundidade. 2 examinar, testar (trazendo uma amostra da profundidade). 3 inquirir, investigar, examinar. 4 mergulhar, afundar. 5 Med auscultar. to sound out sondar, investigar, inquirir cautelosamente.
    [saund] adj 1 sem defeito, inteiro, intato, ileso, bom, perfeito. 2 são, sadio. 3 forte, seguro, confiável. 4 sólido. 5 correto, acertado, razoável, sensato. 6 legal, leal, honrado, idôneo. 7 profundo (sono), eficiente. • adv profundamente. to be safe and sound estar são e salvo. to be sound as a bell (roach, trout) ser completamente sadio. to have a sound mind in a sound body ter mente sã num corpo são. to have a sound knowledge ter um conhecimento sólido.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > sound

  • 6 sound

    I adjective
    1) (strong or in good condition: The foundations of the house are not very sound; He's 87, but he's still sound in mind and body.) forte
    2) ((of sleep) deep: She's a very sound sleeper.) pesado, profundo
    3) (full; thorough: a sound basic training.) sólido
    4) (accurate; free from mistakes: a sound piece of work.) sólido
    5) (having or showing good judgement or good sense: His advice is always very sound.) consistente
    - soundness - sound asleep II 1. noun
    1) (the impressions transmitted to the brain by the sense of hearing: a barrage of sound; ( also adjective) sound waves.) som
    2) (something that is, or can be, heard: The sounds were coming from the garage.) som, barulho
    3) (the impression created in the mind by a piece of news, a description etc: I didn't like the sound of her hairstyle at all!) efeito
    2. verb
    1) (to (cause something to) make a sound: Sound the bell!; The bell sounded.) soar
    2) (to signal (something) by making a sound: Sound the alarm!) tocar
    3) ((of something heard or read) to make a particular impression; to seem; to appear: Your singing sounded very good; That sounds like a train.) parecer, soar
    4) (to pronounce: In the word `pneumonia', the letter p is not sounded.) pronunciar
    5) (to examine by tapping and listening carefully: She sounded the patient's chest.) auscultar
    - soundlessly - sound effects - soundproof 3. verb
    (to make (walls, a room etc) soundproof.) tornar à prova de som
    III verb
    (to measure the depth of (water etc).) sondar
    - sound out

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > sound

  • 7 impress

    1) (to cause feelings of admiration etc in (a person): I was impressed by his good behaviour.) impressionar
    2) ((with on or upon) to stress (something to someone): I must impress upon you the need for silence.) acentuar
    3) (to fix (a fact etc in the mind): She re-read the plans in order to impress the details on her memory.) fixar
    4) (make (a mark) on something by pressing: a footprint impressed in the sand.) imprimir
    - impressive
    - impressively
    - impressiveness
    - be under the impression that
    - be under the impression
    * * *
    ['impres] n estampa, carimbo, sinete, sinal, cunho, marca. • [impr'es] vt 1 impressionar, comover, afetar. she was deeply impressed / ela ficou profundamente impressionada. he was favourably impressed by / ele ficou bem impressionado com. 2 imprimir, gravar, estampar. 3 recrutar, forçar. I impressed the necessity on him convenci-o da necessidade. impressed with the idea impressionado com, sob a impressão de.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > impress

  • 8 impress

    1) (to cause feelings of admiration etc in (a person): I was impressed by his good behaviour.) impressionar
    2) ((with on or upon) to stress (something to someone): I must impress upon you the need for silence.) incutir, imprimir
    3) (to fix (a fact etc in the mind): She re-read the plans in order to impress the details on her memory.) gravar, registrar
    4) (make (a mark) on something by pressing: a footprint impressed in the sand.) imprimir
    - impressive - impressively - impressiveness - be under the impression that - be under the impression

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > impress

  • 9 ring

    I 1. [riŋ] noun
    1) (a small circle eg of gold or silver, sometimes having a jewel set in it, worn on the finger: a wedding ring; She wears a diamond ring.) anel
    2) (a circle of metal, wood etc for any of various purposes: a scarf-ring; a key-ring; The trap-door had a ring attached for lifting it.) argola
    3) (anything which is like a circle in shape: The children formed a ring round their teacher; The hot teapot left a ring on the polished table.) círculo
    4) (an enclosed space for boxing matches, circus performances etc: the circus-ring; The crowd cheered as the boxer entered the ring.) recinto
    5) (a small group of people formed for business or criminal purposes: a drugs ring.) bando
    2. verb
    ( verb)
    1) (to form a ring round.) rodear
    2) (to put, draw etc a ring round (something): He has ringed all your errors.) pôr argola
    3) (to put a ring on the leg of (a bird) as a means of identifying it.) pôr anilha
    - ringlet
    - ring finger
    - ringleader
    - ringmaster
    - run rings round
    II 1. [riŋ] past tense - rang; verb
    1) (to (cause to) sound: The doorbell rang; He rang the doorbell; The telephone rang.) tocar
    2) ((often with up) to telephone (someone): I'll ring you (up) tonight.) telefonar
    3) ((often with for) to ring a bell (eg in a hotel) to tell someone to come, to bring something etc: She rang for the maid.) chamar
    4) ((of certain objects) to make a high sound like a bell: The glass rang as she hit it with a metal spoon.) tilintar
    5) (to be filled with sound: The hall rang with the sound of laughter.) ressoar
    6) ((often with out) to make a loud, clear sound: His voice rang through the house; A shot rang out.) soar
    2. noun
    1) (the act or sound of ringing: the ring of a telephone.) toque
    2) (a telephone call: I'll give you a ring.) telefonadela
    3) (a suggestion, impression or feeling: His story has a ring of truth about it.) toque
    - ring back
    - ring off
    - ring true
    * * *
    [riŋ] n 1 anel, círculo, argola, aro, roda. the children formed into a ring / as crianças formaram uma roda. 2 qualquer coisa em forma anular. 3 associação. 4 circo, arena, pista, picadeiro. 5 ringue. 6 the ring apostadores (em lutas desportivas, corridas, etc.). 7 grupo, conluio, coligação de pessoas com objetivos egoísticos para manobras comerciais ou políticas. 8 Sport argolas (em ginástica olímpica). 9 Sport boxe. • vt+vi 1 prover de ou guarnecer com um anel ou aro. 2 rodear, cercar. we ringed ourselves about him / formamos uma roda em volta dele. 3 subir em forma de espiral (como um pássaro). 4 marcar árvores, galhos, etc., cortando-lhes um segmento circular da casca. 5 exibir em uma arena. ring of Saturn anéis de Saturno. to make/ run rings round exceder, sobrepujar, superar facilmente. wedding ring aliança.
    [riŋ] n 1 toque de campainha ou sino. 2 ação de tocar os sinos, repique de sinos, badalada. 3 carrilhão. 4 som semelhante ao do sino, contínuo. 5 ressonância, som. 6 timbre. 7 chamada telefônica. give me a ring / me dê uma ligada (telefônica). 8 tom, qualidade. • vt+vi (ps rang, pp rung) 1 tocar (campainha), tanger, soar, repicar, badalar, retinir (sinos). 2 ressoar, reverberar, retumbar. 3 zumbir (dos ouvidos). 4 chamar, convocar (com toque de sino). 5 fazer soar ou retinir. 6 soar como, parecer. it rings true (false) / soa bem (mal), parece ser verdadeiro ou legítimo (falso). 7 Brit telefonar. 8 cantar os louvores de uma pessoa. the town rang with his fame / sua fama repercutia pela cidade inteira. 9 estar repleto de rumores ou boatos. 10 soar, tinir. teething ring mordedor. that rings a bell isso faz lembrar alguma coisa, isso não me é estranho. to ring back retornar um telefonema. to ring down (the curtain) Theat abaixar a cortina. to ring in the new year dar o sinal para anunciar a chegada ou entrada do ano novo, com toques de sino. to ring off desligar o telefone. to ring the changes a) experimentar variações com o que se tem (como roupas). b) sl passar dinheiro falso. to ring up a) telefonar para. b) marcar o dinheiro recebido em caixa registradora (o que faz soar um sino). to ring up ( the curtain) Theat dar o sinal para levantar a cortina.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > ring

  • 10 note

    [nəut] 1. noun
    1) (a piece of writing to call attention to something: He left me a note about the meeting.) nota
    2) ((in plural) ideas for a speech, details from a lecture etc written down in short form: The students took notes on the professor's lecture.) notas
    3) (a written or mental record: Have you kept a note of his name?) nota
    4) (a short explanation: There is a note at the bottom of the page about that difficult word.) nota
    5) (a short letter: She wrote a note to her friend.) nota
    6) ((American bill) a piece of paper used as money; a bank-note: a five-dollar note.) nota
    7) (a musical sound: The song ended on a high note.) nota
    8) (a written or printed symbol representing a musical note.) nota
    9) (an impression or feeling: The conference ended on a note of hope.) nota
    2. verb
    1) ((often with down) to write down: He noted (down) her telephone number in his diary.) anotar
    2) (to notice; to be aware of: He noted a change in her behaviour.) notar
    - notability
    - notably
    - noted
    - notelet
    - notebook
    - notecase
    - notepaper
    - noteworthy
    - noteworthiness
    - take note of
    * * *
    [nout] n 1 nota, anotação, apontamento. 2 bilhete, lembrete, memorando. 3 percepção cuidadosa. 4 comunicação diplomática. 5 nota musical. 6 símbolo, caráter. 7 significação. 8 reputação. 9 sinal, marca. 10 nota de débito. 11 ordem de pagamento. 12 cédula. • vt 1 anotar, tomar nota. 2 notar, observar, prestar atenção. 3 mencionar. he changed his note ele mudou de tom ou de atitude. note of hand nota promissória. note of warning aviso de perigo, advertência. promissory note nota promissória. to compare notes on comparar impressões ou opiniões sobre. to make a mental note fazer um esforço para se lembrar. to make a note tomar nota. to note down anotar. to strike the right note fazer ou dizer algo com propriedade, acertar. to take no note of não tomar conhecimento de. to take note considerar, ter em mente, cuidar de. worthy of note digno de nota.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > note

  • 11 ring

    I 1. [riŋ] noun
    1) (a small circle eg of gold or silver, sometimes having a jewel set in it, worn on the finger: a wedding ring; She wears a diamond ring.) anel
    2) (a circle of metal, wood etc for any of various purposes: a scarf-ring; a key-ring; The trap-door had a ring attached for lifting it.) argola
    3) (anything which is like a circle in shape: The children formed a ring round their teacher; The hot teapot left a ring on the polished table.) círculo
    4) (an enclosed space for boxing matches, circus performances etc: the circus-ring; The crowd cheered as the boxer entered the ring.) ringue, picadeiro
    5) (a small group of people formed for business or criminal purposes: a drugs ring.) quadrilha
    2. verb
    ( verb)
    1) (to form a ring round.) circundar
    2) (to put, draw etc a ring round (something): He has ringed all your errors.) circular
    3) (to put a ring on the leg of (a bird) as a means of identifying it.) pôr anel
    - ringlet - ring finger - ringleader - ringmaster - run rings round II 1. [riŋ] past tense - rang; verb
    1) (to (cause to) sound: The doorbell rang; He rang the doorbell; The telephone rang.) tocar
    2) ((often with up) to telephone (someone): I'll ring you (up) tonight.) telefonar para
    3) ((often with for) to ring a bell (eg in a hotel) to tell someone to come, to bring something etc: She rang for the maid.) tocar
    4) ((of certain objects) to make a high sound like a bell: The glass rang as she hit it with a metal spoon.) tilintar
    5) (to be filled with sound: The hall rang with the sound of laughter.) ressoar
    6) ((often with out) to make a loud, clear sound: His voice rang through the house; A shot rang out.) soar
    2. noun
    1) (the act or sound of ringing: the ring of a telephone.) toque
    2) (a telephone call: I'll give you a ring.) telefonema
    3) (a suggestion, impression or feeling: His story has a ring of truth about it.) toque
    - ring back - ring off - ring true

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > ring

  • 12 brand

    [brænd] 1. noun
    1) (a maker's name or trademark: a new brand; ( also adjective) a brand name.) marca
    2) (a variety: He has his own brand of humour.) tipo
    3) (a mark on cattle etc to show who owns them, made with a hot iron.) sinal
    2. verb
    1) (to mark cattle etc with a hot iron.) marcar com ferrete
    2) (to make a permanent impression on: His name is branded on my memory.) estampar
    3) (to attach (permanent) disgrace to: branded for life as a thief.) estigmatizar
    * * *
    [brænd] n 1 tição: pedaço de madeira queimada total ou parcialmente. 2 marca de ferro quente (em gado). 3 marca, qualidade. all of the best brands / todos da melhor qualidade. a product of good brand / um produto de boa qualidade. 4 marca de fábrica, marca registrada. 5 mácula, desonra, estigma. brand of Cain / mácula de Caim. • vt 1 marcar com ferro quente. 2 marcar, macular, estigmatizar. that day is branded on my memory / esse dia está marcado na minha memória.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > brand

  • 13 create

    1) (to cause to exist; to make: How was the earth created?; The circus created great excitement.) criar
    2) (to give (a rank etc to): Sir John was created a knight in 1958.) fazer
    - creative
    - creatively
    - creativeness
    - creativity
    - creator
    - the Creator
    * * *
    [kri'eit] vt 1 criar, produzir, originar, gerar. 2 provocar, ocasionar. he created a bad impression / ele deu uma má impressão. 3 formar, realizar. 4 nomear, investir. 5 inventar.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > create

  • 14 effect

    [i'fekt] 1. noun
    1) (a result or consequence: He is suffering from the effects of over-eating; His discovery had little effect at first.) efeito
    2) (an impression given or produced: The speech did not have much effect (on them); a pleasing effect.) efeito
    2. verb
    (to make happen; to bring about: He tried to effect a reconciliation between his parents.) efectuar
    - effectively
    - effects
    - effectual
    - come into effect
    - for effect
    - in effect
    - put into effect
    - take effect
    * * *
    [if'ekt] n 1 efeito, resultado, conseqüência. 2 influência, repercussão. 3 impressão (moral ou material) causada. 4 realização, execução. 5 pl bens, propriedades. 6 finalidade, propósito, desígnio. • vt 1 efetuar, executar, realizar, desempenhar, produzir. 2 causar. 3 cumprir. carry into effect pôr em ação, em funcionamento. for effect para impressionar ou causar sensação. in effect 1 realmente, verdadeiramente, de fato. 2 em funcionamento, ativo, em vigor. sound effect efeito sonoro. to (ou of) no effect em vão, inútil. to take effect 1 entrar em vigor. 2 fazer efeito (remédio). to the (ou this) effect com o propósito, com a finalidade, neste sentido. to the effect that no sentido de que. to the following effect do seguinte teor. to the same effect no mesmo sentido. without effect sem efeito, inválido.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > effect

  • 15 show

    [ʃəu] 1. past tense - showed; verb
    1) (to allow or cause to be seen: Show me your new dress; Please show your membership card when you come to the club; His work is showing signs of improvement.) mostrar
    2) (to be able to be seen: The tear in your dress hardly shows; a faint light showing through the curtains.) ver-se
    3) (to offer or display, or to be offered or displayed, for the public to look at: Which picture is showing at the cinema?; They are showing a new film; His paintings are being shown at the art gallery.) exibir
    4) (to point out or point to: He showed me the road to take; Show me the man you saw yesterday.) mostrar
    5) ((often with (a)round) to guide or conduct: Please show this lady to the door; They showed him (a)round (the factory).) conduzir
    6) (to demonstrate to: Will you show me how to do it?; He showed me a clever trick.) mostrar
    7) (to prove: That just shows / goes to show how stupid he is.) provar
    8) (to give or offer (someone) kindness etc: He showed him no mercy.) mostrar
    2. noun
    1) (an entertainment, public exhibition, performance etc: a horse-show; a flower show; the new show at the theatre; a TV show.) espectáculo
    2) (a display or act of showing: a show of strength.) exibição
    3) (an act of pretending to be, do etc (something): He made a show of working, but he wasn't really concentrating.) fingimento
    4) (appearance, impression: They just did it for show, in order to make themselves seem more important than they are.) aparência
    5) (an effort or attempt: He put up a good show in the chess competition.) exibição
    - showiness
    - show-business
    - showcase
    - showdown
    - showground
    - show-jumping
    - showman
    - showroom
    - give the show away
    - good show!
    - on show
    - show off
    - show up
    * * *
    [ʃou] n 1 mostra, exibição. she made a show of her new dress / ela exibiu seu vestido novo. 2 espetáculo, exposição. it is on show / está exposto, em exposição. the newest film now showing / o filme mais novo em cartaz. 3 aparência, demonstração, aspecto. your garden makes a fine show / seu jardim é muito bonito. 4 aparência falsa, pretexto. 5 traço, indício, vestígio. 6 coll divertimento, entretenimento. he always steals the show / ele toma conta do espetáculo, chama a atenção. • vt+vi 1 mostrar, expor, exibir. it shows dirt / suja facilmente. he showed his teeth / ele mostrou os dentes. 2 revelar, manifestar, demonstrar. he showed his feelings / sua expressão facial (ou corporal) revelou seus sentimentos. 3 aparecer, estar visível. it does not show / não é visível. never show your face again! / nunca mais apareça aqui! 4 indicar, mostrar. time will show it / o tempo mostrá-lo-á. his work shows him to be a gifted writer / seu trabalho demonstra ser ele um escritor talentoso. we showed him the door / mostramos-lhe a porta, fig pusemo-lo para fora. 5 dirigir, guiar, conduzir. 6 explicar, esclarecer. 7 salientar, ressaltar. 8 provar. 9 conceder. 10 coll classificar-se (numa corrida). don’t give the show away coll não fale nada, guarde segredo. he runs/ bosses the whole show ele toma conta do negócio todo. show him mercy! perdoa-lhe! show of hands votação levantando as mãos. show yourself a man mostre que é homem. to give one a fair show dar a alguém uma oportunidade. to have something to show for mostrar serviço, mostrar resultados. to put up a good show fazer uma boa tentativa. to show forth anunciar. to show in mandar entrar, acompanhar para dentro. to show off aparecer com todo o brilho, salientar-se, destacar-se, exibir-se, ostentar. to show one’s hand pôr as cartas na mesa. to show someone out acompanhar alguém até a porta. to show the white feather fugir. to show up a) aparecer, apresentar-se, mostrar-se. b) desmascarar-se. c) acompanhar para cima. to show up against destacar-se de.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > show

  • 16 strike

    1. past tense - struck; verb
    1) (to hit, knock or give a blow to: He struck me in the face with his fist; Why did you strike him?; The stone struck me a blow on the side of the head; His head struck the table as he fell; The tower of the church was struck by lightning.) atingir
    2) (to attack: The enemy troops struck at dawn; We must prevent the disease striking again.) atacar
    3) (to produce (sparks or a flame) by rubbing: He struck a match/light; He struck sparks from the stone with his knife.) riscar
    4) ((of workers) to stop work as a protest, or in order to force employers to give better pay: The men decided to strike for higher wages.) fazer greve
    5) (to discover or find: After months of prospecting they finally struck gold/oil; If we walk in this direction we may strike the right path.) encontrar
    6) (to (make something) sound: He struck a note on the piano/violin; The clock struck twelve.) dar
    7) (to impress, or give a particular impression to (a person): I was struck by the resemblance between the two men; How does the plan strike you?; It / The thought struck me that she had come to borrow money.) impressionar
    8) (to mint or manufacture (a coin, medal etc).) cunhar
    9) (to go in a certain direction: He left the path and struck (off) across the fields.) seguir por
    10) (to lower or take down (tents, flags etc).) desmontar
    2. noun
    1) (an act of striking: a miners' strike.) greve
    2) (a discovery of oil, gold etc: He made a lucky strike.) achado
    - striking
    - strikingly
    - be out on strike
    - be on strike
    - call a strike
    - come out on strike
    - come
    - be within striking distance of
    - strike at
    - strike an attitude/pose
    - strike a balance
    - strike a bargain/agreement
    - strike a blow for
    - strike down
    - strike dumb
    - strike fear/terror into
    - strike home
    - strike it rich
    - strike lucky
    - strike out
    - strike up
    * * *
    [straik] n 1 greve. 2 golpe. 3 ato de derrubar todos os pinos no jogo de boliche, pontos feitos assim. 4 ataque, investida. 5 beliscada (de peixe no anzol). 6 descoberta de petróleo, ouro, etc. 7 sucesso, êxito, achado feliz. 8 Min direção do filão. • vt (ps struck, pp struck, stricken) 1 bater, malhar, golpear. I was struck by his reply / fui tomado de surpresa pela sua resposta. 2 dar, infligir, arremessar, desferir, lançar. 3 estampar, imprimir, cunhar. 4 acender (fósforo), ferir fogo. 5 atingir, colidir, cair (raio), incidir (luz). 6 abalroar, colidir, dar de encontro, chocar-se, encalhar. 7 impressionar. 8 tocar, bater, soar, bater as horas. 9 estarrecer, fulminar, impressionar, assustar. 10 afetar, tocar, afligir, atacar, surpreender. 11 atacar, assaltar. 12 acontecer, ocorrer, suceder. 13 descobrir, encontrar (petróleo, ouro, etc.). 14 surgir, aparecer, vir de repente, encontrar inesperadamente. the thought struck him / ocorreu-lhe a idéia. 15 fazer greve. 16 riscar, apagar, cancelar. 17 tirar, tomar (com um golpe). 18 andar rapidamente. 19 assumir (atitude). he strikes an attitude / ele assume uma pose teatral. 20 enraizar, aprofundar, afundar, criar raízes. 21 determinar, calcular. 22 fazer, decidir, entrar em (acordo), concordar. 23 abaixar, arriar (velas). 24 raspar, alisar, deixar plano, tirar o excesso de uma medida. 25 pegar o anzol, morder a isca, fisgar. 26 desbotar, apagar-se. 27 arriar bandeiras, render-se. 28 tomar (caminho ou direção). 29 chamar a atenção, dar na vista. 30 estender, alisar. 31 enveredar. 32 tirar (linha). 33 rufar (tambores). 34 tocar (uma corda em instrumento musical). 35 levantar (acampamento). 36 cravar, meter, enfiar. 37 avançar, seguir. 38 lançar-se, disparar, avançar com rapidez. strike the iron while it is hot / malhe o ferro enquanto está quente (faça isso agora e não deixe para mais tarde). he’s struck on her ele está louco (apaixonado) por ela. it strikes me as strange that... parece-me esquisito que... strike me dead! Deus me castigue! that struck home! este golpe acertou, fig isto deu resultado. this strikes my fancy isto me agrada. to go on strike entrar em greve. to strike a balance chegar a um acordo, encontrar um ponto de equilíbrio. to strike a bargain fechar um negócio. to strike a blow at dar um soco ou golpe em. to strike a chord parecer familiar, fazer lembrar alguma coisa. to strike a dividend distribuir dividendo. to strike against bater contra, lutar contra, defender-se contra. to strike an average tirar ou calcular a média. to strike at someone bater em alguém, levantar a mão contra alguém. to strike back revidar. to strike blind cegar. to strike camp levantar acampamento. to strike dead matar. to strike down derrubar, derrubar no chão, abater. to strike dumb fazer calar, deixar bobo. to strike hands ( with) chegar a um acordo (com). to strike it rich tirar a sorte grande, enriquecer rapidamente. to strike in interromper. to strike into entrar em. to strike off a) cortar. b) copiar, imprimir. to strike oil ter sucesso, ter êxito. to strike on a) agir sobre, incidir sobre (luz), cair sobre. b) descobrir algo, ter uma idéia. to strike out a) riscar, apagar, cancelar. b) nadar ativamente (em direção a alguma coisa). c) golpear. to strike out on one’s own tomar seu rumo próprio. to strike someone with fear encher alguém de medo. to strike the eye dar na vista, chamar a atenção. to strike through remover, cancelar (algo escrito). to strike up a) Mus começar a tocar. b) iniciar (relacionamento, conversa, etc.). to strike upon incidir sobre, cair sobre, encontrar, bater contra. well stricken in years de idade avançada.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > strike

  • 17 go in one ear and out the other

    (not to make any lasting impression: I keep telling that child to work harder but my words go in one ear and out the other.) entrar por um ouvido e sair pelo outro

    English-Portuguese dictionary > go in one ear and out the other

  • 18 brand

    [brænd] 1. noun
    1) (a maker's name or trademark: a new brand; ( also adjective) a brand name.) marca registrada
    2) (a variety: He has his own brand of humour.) marca pessoal
    3) (a mark on cattle etc to show who owns them, made with a hot iron.) marca
    2. verb
    1) (to mark cattle etc with a hot iron.) marcar a ferro
    2) (to make a permanent impression on: His name is branded on my memory.) gravar
    3) (to attach (permanent) disgrace to: branded for life as a thief.) estigmatizar

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > brand

  • 19 effect

    [i'fekt] 1. noun
    1) (a result or consequence: He is suffering from the effects of over-eating; His discovery had little effect at first.) efeito
    2) (an impression given or produced: The speech did not have much effect (on them); a pleasing effect.) efeito
    2. verb
    (to make happen; to bring about: He tried to effect a reconciliation between his parents.) efetuar
    - effectively - effects - effectual - come into effect - for effect - in effect - put into effect - take effect

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > effect

  • 20 go in one ear and out the other

    (not to make any lasting impression: I keep telling that child to work harder but my words go in one ear and out the other.) entrar por um ouvido e sair pelo outro

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > go in one ear and out the other

См. также в других словарях:

  • make an impression — phrase to make other people notice and admire you It’s a performance that’s sure to make an impression on the judges. Thesaurus: to be very good or impressivesynonym Main entry: impression …   Useful english dictionary

  • make an impression on — index impress (affect deeply) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • make an impression — to make other people notice and admire you It s a performance that s sure to make an impression on the judges …   English dictionary

  • make an impression — Synonyms and related words: affect, arrest the thoughts, assail the ear, be heard, be remembered, caress the ear, catch the thoughts, come home to, contact, gain a hearing, get across, get through to, get to, grab, hit, hit the mark, impress,… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • impression — im|pres|sion W2S3 [ımˈpreʃən] n 1.) [U and C] the opinion or feeling you have about someone or something because of the way they seem ▪ Arriving late won t create a very favourable impression . ▪ We were left with the impression that the contract …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • impression — im|pres|sion [ ım preʃn ] noun count *** 1. ) the opinion that other people have about you because of the way you look, speak, or behave: create/make an impression on someone: As a serious candidate, you want to make a good impression on everyone …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • impression */*/*/ — UK [ɪmˈpreʃ(ə)n] / US noun [countable] Word forms impression : singular impression plural impressions 1) an opinion or feeling that you have about someone or something you have seen but do not know very well have/get the impression (that): I have …   English dictionary

  • impression — /Im preSFn/ noun 1 OPINION (C) the opinion or feeling you have about someone or something because of the way they seem (+ of): What s your impression of Frank as a boss? | Now I have a very different impression of England. | first impression:… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • impression — noun 1 idea/feeling/opinion about sth ADJECTIVE ▪ distinct, firm (esp. BrE), strong ▪ main, overriding, overwhelming ▪ clear, vivid …   Collocations dictionary

  • impression — n. 1) to create an impression 2) to make an impression on, upon 3) to gain an impression 4) an accurate; deep, indelible, lasting, profound, strong; erroneous, false, inaccurate, wrong; excellent; favorable; first; fleeting; general; good;… …   Combinatory dictionary

  • make waves — (informal) CAUSE TROUBLE, be disruptive, be troublesome; make an impression, get noticed. → wave * * * phrasal : to disturb the status quo unimaginative, traditional career man who does not make waves Henry Trewhitt * * * make waves To create a… …   Useful english dictionary

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